Who will advocate
for you
in the ER?
Let's Connect
Call 508-888-2898 or fill out this form to schedule a get-to-know you appointment or learn more.
Your Plymouth and Cape Cod expert in elder care
Serving Duxbury, Pinehills, Sandwich, Falmouth, Yarmouth, Chatham and surrounding communities
What if you suddenly had to go to the hospital?
- Is your medication list current?
- Do your decision-makers know your goals of care?
- Is your advance directive accessible?
- Who will call and advise your kids?
- What if you don't have any relatives available to assist?
- How will you get follow-up care?
What's in it?

Kerry Davis, RN, BSN, CMC, CDP
Aging Life Care™ Professional
Grace Life Care
Kerry Davis has been a Registered Nurse for over 35 years, working mostly in the field of Gerontology. Her expertise and insights have helped many families navigate the challenges of changing needs of older adults.
Kerry is well versed in complex medical issues as well as local resources for elder care. With compassion and an understanding of the need for autonomy, she is able to educate older adults on realistic options that fit their unique situation.
Why have a Safety Net?
The elder care system is confusing. All it takes is something as simple as a fall, and your normally healthy life gets turned upside down. While physicians are experts in injury and illness, they don't know you and what's important to you day-to-day.
The Safety Net Program gives you peace of mind that in an emergency, an expert on aging—someone who knows your conditions, your priorities and your goals—will be available to help you communicate with the ER staff so you receive the care you want for the quality of life you deserve. We are involved throughout your hospital stay, guiding decisions and helping to arrange for a smooth transition back home.
With expertise in health care systems as well as accurate and concise communications with medical teams, we help to make your hospital stay more efficient with the goal of returning you to your home with support and follow up care.
Join our Safety Net Program so you can rest easy knowing you have an advocate in your corner when you need one most.
Sound like the support
you’ve been looking for?
As the Plymouth and Cape Cod experts in aging well,
we've got your back.
You don’t have to go through this alone! Since 2018, Grace Life Care has been helping older adults stay independent, leading the life they want with dignity and joy. We have cultivated a strong network of area professionals. We know elder care and the services best suited to your personal preferences. Let us be your guide.
More questions?
Give us a call at 508-888-2898 to learn more.
Let's Connect
Call 508-888-2898 or fill out this form to schedule a get-to-know you appointment or learn more.